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Craft Meads | Hard Ciders | Honey Wines


C E L E B R A T I N G  T H E  F L A V O R S


Humbiont is a concept that represents being humble participants within a greater community of life. As honorable stewards and foragers, we strive to experiment with some of the best ingredients the living world offers to enhance the quality of life for our community. Our ferments are cultivated low and slow, allowing each ingredient to express its full potential in the symphony of flavors we compose. 


Mead is a honey wine made from honey, water, and yeast. The process of fermentation is where the yeast eats the sugars in the honey, which creates alcohol and carbon dioxide and kicks off tons of complex flavors in the process. The profile of the final product depends on several factors, especially the floral signature of plant biodiversity where the honey came from. Our craft meads and Honey Wines are expressions of co-fermented formulas that complement the honey, offering an experience that is more than the sum of its parts. If you are new to meads and honey wine as a category, here are some terms that may help demystify the different varieties:


F A R M E R S  M A R K E T S


The Waterbury Farmers Market

 2 Rotarian Place, Waterbury Village, VT

L O C A L  R E T A I L E R S 

The Beverage Warehouse - Winooski, VT

The Stowe Public House - Stowe, VT

Crossroads - Waterbury, VT

MoBev - Morrisville, VT

L O C A L  R E S T A U R A N T S

Michael's on the Hill - Waterbury Center, VT

  • Traditional Mead - Made with honey, water and yeast

  • Acerglyn – Mead made with maple syrup

  • Bochet – Mead made with caramelized honey

  • Braggot – Mead made with malted grain

  • Cyser – Mead made with apples or apple juice

  • Hydromel – Mead made with less honey and more water

  • Sack – Mead made with more honey and less water

  • Melomel – Mead made with fruit or fruit juice(s)

  • Metheglin – Mead made with spices and/or herbs

  • Rhodomel – Mead made with rose

  • Pyment – Mead made with grapes or grape juice​


The first recorded references to hard cider date back to Roman times. In 55 BCE, Julius Caesar found the Celtic Britons fermenting cider from native crabapples. Humbiont Fermentary crafts wild-fermented sparkling and still ciders from Vermont’s heirloom apples infused with toasted oak.


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